Mar 27, 2020
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Coronavirus reveals just how little compassion we have for older people
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- Evaluation of a Medical Student Research and Career Development Program to Increase Diversity in Academic Medicine.Academic MedicineFernandez A, Martinez A, Flowers L, and Aronson L. in press
- Essential steps in developing best practices to assess reflective skill: A comparison of two rubrics. Med Teach Miller-Kuhlman R, O’Sullivan PS, Aronson L. 2016
- UCSF LEAP: Learning from Your Experiences as A Professional, in Peterkin A (Ed.) Portfolio to Go. University of Toronto Press Aronson L. 2016
- Personal as Professional, Professional as Personal: Using Stories to Explore Diversity and Practice Professionalism. In Stagno S and Blackie M, Engaging Hearts and Minds: The Use of Literature to Teach Professionalism Bautista CA, Stella J, Hayes M, Aronson L.2016
- Afterword: Keeping Reflection Accountable. In Brett-MacLean P and Peterkin A, Keeping Reflection Fresh: Top Educators Share their Innovations in Health Professions Education. Kent State University Press Aronson L. 2016
- Reflection, Critical Reflection and Global Health. Bui T, Evert J, McCarthy V, et al (eds). Reflection in Global Health: An Anthology. Global Health Collaborations Press Aronson L. Foreword 2016
- Chronic Care Management for Medicare Patients. JAMA Bautista CA, Covinsky K, Aronson L. 2015
- Necessary Steps: How Health Care Fails Older Patients, And How It Can Be Done Better. Health Affairs Aronson L. March 2015
- Medicare and Care Coordination: Expanding the Clinician’s Toolbox. JAMA Aronson L, Bautista CA, Covinsky K. 2015
- Teaching Geriatric Fellows How to Teach: A needs assessment targeting geriatrics fellowship program directors.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Rivera V, Yukawa M, Aronson L, Widera E. 2014
- Interprofessional Teams in Geriatrics in Current Geriatric Diagnosis and Treatment. Lange Medical Books Rivera J, Reeves S, Aronson L. 2014
- Aging Correctional Populations. Chapter in Bruinsma G and Weisburd D, The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer. Williams B, Ahalt C, Aronson L. 2014
- Interprofessional Teams in Geriatrics in Current Geriatric Diagnosis and Treatment. Lange Medical Books Rivera J, Reeves S, Aronson L. 2014
- Elder Self-Neglect: What is Our Responsibility? NEJM Smith AK, Lo B, Aronson L. 2013
- The Value of Medical Education Programs: What Are the Right Questions? Med Educ Aronson L. 2013
- A comparison of two methods of teaching reflective ability in year 3 medical students. Medical Education. Aronson L, Niehaus B, Hill-Sakurai L, Lai C, O’Sullivan PS. August 2012
- The UCSF Interprofessional Aging and Palliative Care Elective. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Rivera J, Mackin L, Aronson L. 2012
- The UCSF LEaP: A guide for reflective learning in medical education. MedEdPORTAL Aronson L, Niehaus B, Kruidering M, O’Sullivan P. 2012
- The UCSF Faculty Development Workshop on Critical Reflection in Medical Education: Training Educators to Teach and Provide Feedback on Learners’ Reflections. MedEdPORTAL Aronson L, Kruidering M, O’Sullivan P. 2012
- Development and pilot testing of a reflective learning guide for medical education. Medical Teacher. Aronson L, Niehaus B, Lindow J, Robertson P, O’Sullivan P. 2011
- Update in the diagnosis, management and prevention of pressure ulcers in long-term care. In: Paniagua M (Ed). Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. White-Chu F, Flock P and Struck B, Aronson L. 2011
- 12 Tips for teaching reflection at all levels of medical education. Medical Teacher. Aronson L. 2011
- Reflective ability rubric and user guide. MedEdPORTAL O‘Sullivan, P., Aronson, L., Chittenden, E., Niehaus, B., Learman, L. 2010.
- Do writing and storytelling skill influence assessment of reflective ability in medical students’ written reflections? Academic Medicine. Aronson L, Niehaus B, DeVries C, Siegel J, O’Sullivan P. 2010
- A faculty development workshop in teaching reflection. Medical Education. Aronson L, Chittenden E, O’Sullivan P. 2009
- The Ethics of Everyday Life Journal of Aging, Humanities and the Arts 2009
- Osler, Plutarch and the intimate observation of human behavior. In: LaCombe M, ed. Osler’s Bedside Library: Great Literature from a Great Physician. ACP Press Aronson L. 2009.
- Exercise in elders. Portal of Geriatric Online Education. Johnston, CB and Aronson L. 2006.
- Dementia. In: Saint S and Frances C, eds. The Saint-Frances Guide to Outpatient Medicine. Appleton & Lange Aronson L. 1998
- Examining older people for carotid bruits: listen to your patient, not to her neck. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Aronson L., Landefeld CS. 1998
- Refugee intermediaries and the delivery of health care to Cambodian refugees. Practicing Anthropology Aronson L. 1987
- Traditional Cambodian health beliefs and practices. Rhode Island Medical Journal. Aronson L. 1986