On Typos

Three years ago, when the galleys of my book arrived, my mother, spouse, and I gazed down at them, excited by how, well, book-like they looked. A note from my editor informed us that it was our (my) job to find any errant comma or line break or typo. Since the galleys...

To Blog or Not to Blog?

This was the question a writing-inclined youngdoctor (UCSF palliative care fellow @lauraekoehn) and I faced recently. She had never blogged and felt ambivalent despite encouragement from our local GeriPal bloggerati, Eric Widera and Alex Smith. I blogged when my book...

Food, Songs, and Stories

I love food: how it looks and how it tastes, that when done well it relies on science and requires art, how it’s both essential to life and one of the life’s great pleasures, that it embodies cultures and family traditions, and how easily it communicates...

A Brief History of Blogging

It’s unusual to have an origins story that’s only half a century long, though perhaps this one is entirely fitting for our times, a period when people are smarting and thrilling in mostly equal measure from constant media bombardment, when the average...